Novartis Ireland is supporting #HoldFirm

Novartis Ireland is supporting #HoldFirm

Novartis Ireland is supporting #HoldFirm

Jun 04, 2020

Novartis is delighted to be involved in the HSE’s Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support group.

We are supporting #HoldFirm – the HSE’s new campaign called HoldFirm. The HoldFirm campaign takes inspiration from the words of President Michael D Higgins, written in his 1993 poem, Take Care. Acknowledging the public’s large efforts to keep frontline and essential workers safe by staying home.

Take Care
In the journey to the light,
the dark moments
should not threaten.
that you hold steady.
Bend, if you will,
with the wind.
The tree is your teacher,
roots at once
more firm
from experience
in the soil
made fragile.
Your gentle dew will come
and a stirring
of power
to go on
towards the space
of sharing.
In the misery of the I,
in rage,
it is easy to cry out
against all others
but to weaken
is to die
in the misery of knowing
the journey abandoned
towards the sharing
of all human hope
and cries
is the loss
of all we know
of the divine
for our shared
Hold firm.
Take care.
Come home

Michael D Higgins

IE02/GEA20-CNF006 May 2020

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