Galway, Cork and Dublin - Amongst the First European Cities to Launch Global Campaign

Galway, Cork and Dublin - Amongst the First European Cities to Launch Global Campaign

Galway, Cork and Dublin - Amongst the First European Cities to Launch Global Campaign

May 09, 2018

Mayors from across 40 European cities have been invited by the European umbrella patient group International Heart Hub (iHHUB) to help raise awareness of heart failure and call for local action to improve the lives of those living with the condition.

Galway was the first city to launch the worldwide campaign.  The Mayor of Galway City, and the Mayor of County Galway, joined patient group Croí to launch the #Acting on Heart Failure global awareness initiative.

In Cork, the County Mayor joined TV and radio presenter Michael Lyster in Novartis Ringaskiddy to launch the #Acting on Heart Failure initiative.  The Dublin event was supported by the Heartbeat Trust and the Mayor of Dun Laoghaire.

The month of May is European Heart Failure Awareness Month.  Mayors from across Europe have been invited by the International Heart Hub (iHHUB) to commit to raising awareness of heart failure and call for local action to improve the lives of those living with the condition. The ‘Acting on Heart Failure’ Campaign in Europe is being co-ordinated by Croí and supported in part by Novartis.   Heart Failure is a debilitating, life-threatening condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood around the body because the muscle of the heart become too weak or too stiff to work properly1.

Neil Johnson, CEO of Croí, said; ‘Croí is delighted to lead this European Initiative. It’s time heart failure patients were heard. We are teaming up with patient organisations across the globe, to join the global newly unified patient voice to call for better services and care. You can support the initiative using the hashtag, #ActingOnHF.’

  1. Mosterd A, Hoes, A, Clinical epidemiology of heart failure, Heart 2007;93:1137-1146

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